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If I could I would give no stars for this place the way they treated my own mother. We come here today, my mum doesn’t use baskets that other people use.. she uses her bought bags as her basket, as I’m pregnant and don’t want to catch Covid..and we have my grandad who lives with us, hence why I was wearing a mask. Anyways.. so half way through shopping my mum had to leave to get a trolly as I’m pregnant and couldn’t carry cat litter… so she comes back in and we load the trolley. Finish shopping and go to pay.. anyways.. after paying the lady walked off with my mums receipt.. so my mum asked for her receipt. Soon as we walk out of the shop we are stopped by a man who says “excuse me, you haven’t paid for the unstoppables” which is fair enough my mum had no problem going in to pay for them.. mistake easily made. After that they tell her to come into the security office.. erm why? So they go through all my mums shopping (clearly expecting my mum to be stealing) anyways go through all my mums shopping and oh yeah.. you was wrong. My mum had paid for everything she had, no one said sorry. Just “oh it happens” absolutely disgusting.. it’s obvious they watched my mum shop putting her shopping in her shopping bags and soon as we left she gets pulled up. Embarrassing her infront of everyone. I’m actually disgusted with the way they was with her. Sort your disgusting security out.

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