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I am parent of a young person who is only 20 years old. when she was out on Saturday 21/-01/17 she was thrown down the stairs of reef by a bouncer . this was because her boyfriend was being sick in the toilets. this was led to my daughter coming home with bleeding knees and upset as she's very timid girl. I think its absolutely discussing bullish behaviour. why would a adult do this to my daughter when she's out enjoying herself. if bouncers don't want young people to be sick then clubs shouldn't be open till all hours, I am sure they was sick when they was young too. aren't they suppose to look after the people not attack them. my daughter was in tears when she arrived home and has got damage to her legs knees swelling and bruising. I think this is discussing behaviour and far as I am concerned this was a viscous assault on my daughter. members of the public was also discussed when they witness this.    25-01-17
Tags: bullies
